Written policy on disconnect

Under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA), employers that employ 25 or more employees on January 1 of any year are required to have the following in place before March 1 of that year:

a written policy on disconnecting from work and within the specified timeframe, provide that policy to its employees; and
a written policy on electronic monitoring of employees and within the specified timeframes, provide a copy of the policy to its employees and to all assignment employees who are assigned to perform work for that employer.
Once an employer has the written policy in place, there is no requirement to develop a new policy by March 1 of each year. Further, once an employer has provided the policy to its employees, there is no requirement to provide a copy to those employees again, unless changes have been made. The employer must, however, provide a copy of that policy to any new employees within 30 calendar days of the new employee being hired.
Visit the Written policy on disconnecting from work and Written policy on electronic monitoring of employees chapters in Your guide to the Employment Standards Act to learn more.